Marcia Ramstrom

Marcia Ramstrom

About Marcia:
Marcia has over 35 years of experience as an educator, counselor and trainer. Her passion is providing prevention and early intervention services, programs and trainings to youth and those who work with youth. She loves balancing her work-week with time spent working directly with the students, and time also supporting parents, guardians, educators and community members.

In her spare time you will find her somewhere outside, either in her RV traveling, in the hills hiking or in the water playing!

About Marcia’s CMBM Experience:
Becoming a facilitator for CMBM workshops and groups has changed my life. I have never experienced or witnessed the connection, compassion and healing in any endeavor like I have seen in this program. The skills we are able to share with others seems to always give each person exactly what they needed at that time in their lives.